Alexia Eslan, MBA in Health Administration, is a native Spanish speaker with over twenty years of experience working with both public and private health entities at all levels and bringing together diverse groups to understand shared needs and wants. Her experience at JSI as a senior consultant and prior to JSI as Business Operations Manager at Kaiser Permanente and Manager of Market Strategy at Colorado Access, have provided Ms. Eslan with a keen understanding of the operations of healthy systems and their link to community.
Ms. Eslan directs a group of initiatives at JSI funded by the Colorado Health Foundation that focus on transforming safety-net health centers and clinics throughout the state into high performing primary care sites utilizing the principles of team based care. Technical assistance provided includes, running a collaborative of over 150 clinic team members, learning sessions, webinars, coaching and peer site visits. Alexia is also providing TA to practices and coaches through the Colorado State Innovation Model (SIM) on the integration of behavioral and physical health, and through Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative preparing primary care and specialty, urban and rural, practices for value-based payment. All learning sessions and TA provided has included an emphasis on medication assisted treatment and how teams can work together to address the opioid epidemic in their communities
Through funding from the USAID, Ms. Eslan assisted in planning and executing an 18-month quality improvement learning collaborative with hospitals, clinics and community based organizations providing HIV treatment and prevention services throughout the Dominica Republic. Learning sessions took place at the local, regional and national level.
Ms. Eslan has extensive expertise with leadership development, project management, providing technical assistance and training as well as formative research and evaluation. She has led dozens of projects at JSI focusing on these components and working with multiple stakeholders at a local, state and national level. Her passion is to help communities and clients thrive through tailored and innovative approaches that involve all voices. She is certified in the Institute of Cultural Affairs Techniques of Participation (ToP) Strategic Planning, the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) 2017 Standards, as well as in LEAN and Six Sigma.